Thursday, 14 April 2011

Dies Irae

photo taken in Arrábida 

Greetings Earthlings!

I have been away from sometime now, been extra busy and these days left in me kind of a bittersweet taste. First of all, I want to deeply thank Ella for doing my blog's newest "make-up", it's really amazing, thank you so so much!

I am really tired and fed up with the life I am taking here, between days that have been a living nightmare I find my haven with my best friends, Kiaiku, Odete, Ella and BaRu,,. Thank you guys for these amazing days you are giving me, in order to escape inner and outter chaos.

Soon, soon enough I think I will be able to break this chains and be happy again, fully happy and move on with my life. Parents divorcing is somehow complicated for children, even if we are adults... Even more when one of the parents think you are the one to blame for everything.

Yesterday was BaRu,,'s birthday, a very happy and exciting day! I hope we can celebrate together all of your birthdays!! He had two cakes and much much attention from all of us!
We had dinner together on a very cozy restaurant and went drinking in a pub, here in Setúbal, in spite of being simple, it was great time together!

I promise to my special one that I will be always with him, and support him achieving his goals and dreams... and yes, you will have you special guitar! <3 

Despite this "Dies Irae", I thank the gods I have the strenght and the love from this amazingly beautiful people that I can, thankfully call friends and family! 

In sum, I LOVE YOU GUYS! <3

photo: Me & Ella

Mata Ne!