Monday, 4 July 2011

Good Will Towards Each Other?

Greetings Earthlings!

Somehow, it's a strange feeling to be back to the blogosphere again... As I referred in my last post, I was living admist a tortuous storm, that is finally over. Now that I am living in Gaia, I have been thinking about the way things happened and why. I thought, thought and thought (quoting BaRu,,) and I realized I was living in a well... A well of shades. I felt I was drowning in a cold, abandoned and dark place, and the ones who witnessed that and tried to help the most was Ella and BaRu,,. I really want to thank them, from the bottom of my heart, for they are the best friends anyone can have... Miss you guys more than ever, it's almost unbearable no to see you everyday like we used to.
Having the parents divorcing is never an easy issue, but my experience was really troublesome and sad, thanks to my father. Blaming me for the divorce and not talking to me was a really sad choice but I cannot do anything related to that, I just have to let this dwell in the past and forget.
Anyhow, the thing I will talk in today's post is what shocked me the most amongst all this changeling: The selfishness and egoistic behaviour of some people.

Once again I wonder "What's wrong with humanity?"
Where is the pure love? Good will toward each other? Where is helping without expecting nothing in return? Why must we love someone thinking about material things? We live in a disposable world, and people are slowly becoming disposable too. I am aware that money is one of the most important things in one's life, for we, unfortunatly can't live without it, if you want to live with dignity of course... But, I can't seem to agree with extremes. People seem to think now a days that money is everything, and that everything is buyable. Wrong. So wrong. Where are the values we must have as human beings? Humanity seem to have forgotten about that we are the only rational animal. Honestly, I think even a cat is becoming more rational that most people I know. I hope someday people realize that they can't eat money, for their own sakes. Sincerely, I think there is no future for us, because men kind has destroyed everything we had that was good. I am a proudly pagan, and harmony, helping each other and uniterested love are my main goals, as I try the most living by those patterns. I can say I am different from most people, what about you? 

I want to leave now all the bitterness behing, because I am starting my own healing proccess here, but I still want to thank a lot to the few people who helped me with a kind word. 
I finally feel happy, calm, and finally feel like I have a home to return to, not being unwelcomed on somebody's else place. 

What is your opinion about the evolution of men kind? 

Thank you for reading, and I want to apologize my readers for the long absence.


  1. I Real belive your life go change to better. Be Strong. I miss you <3

  2. Thank you so much once again for the kind words my dearest friend.
    Please come near me fast my dear, we are all expecting you.
    Terribly longing for you and Ella <3

    Love you and thank you for commenting.

  3. I could write a zillion words about the subject, the thing is that I guess it has became too deep for a normal being to understand.

    I don't want to sound cocky or pretentious, however, I gave up on talking about such important and relevant matters to other people.

    Gladly we can find some people in our path that share the greatest pearls in our soul <3

    I am, and will make my best to help and support you all, either it is with my presence, sweat, sacrifice or spirit.

    I strongly believe things will get greater than we expect! <3

    Be strong, pure hearted and strong willed!

    I love you and miss you badly <3
